Chicken Cock Kentucky Double Oak Bourbon
Size: 750ml
Chicken Cock Double Oak is a truly exceptional whiskey that will transport your senses to the heart of Kentucky. Crafted using a unique double-barrel aging process, this whiskey boasts a smooth and complex flavor profile that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning of palates.
The first barrel is charred to perfection, infusing the whiskey with bold and smoky notes of toasted oak and caramel. The second barrel is then lightly toasted, bringing out the whiskey’s natural sweetness and adding a layer of subtle spice. The result is a rich and balanced whiskey with a deep amber color and a velvety finish that lingers on the palate.
Whether sipping it neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite cocktail, Chicken Cock Double Oak is a whiskey that is sure to impress. So why settle for ordinary when you can experience the exceptional with every sip of Chicken Cock Double Oak?